Your donation supports our vital work in helping the entire Lake County community care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife. While we are a government agency, nearly all of our funding comes from grants that we secure ourselves. Your contribution will offer crucial support for our growing agency and its mission.
RCDs are authorized by California Public Resources Code Section 9403 to receive gifts and contributions like any other research, education, or public charity. Contributions to RCDs may be tax deductible (consult with a tax professional) under Internal Revenue Code Section 170(b) and (c)(1).
General Support
Cash donations are vital for covering staff time, creating educational materials, acquiring scientific equipment, upgrading office technology, and much more. We also greatly appreciate donations of goods and services and would be excited to learn how you can support our efforts.
Specific Project
You may donate to support a specific project.
Donate by check
Please send banck check donations: Lake County RCD, 889 Lakeport Blvd., Lakeport, CA 95453